The Alternative to Just Shut Up

Sarah Willis
11 min readMar 8, 2021

I feel like I have to qualify my outspoken-ness on child sex abuse on social media. I have reposted pieces recently on Facebook and Twitter about Sai Baba and Woody Allen. I frequently repost writing by the incredible writer, TED presenter and survivor, Anneke Lucas, whom I have had the distinct pleasure of working with. I have chimed in (too much? nah fuck that) on stories of a few Yoga teachers, adored and admired by many as gurus, only they kinda fingered their students in public classes, and / or seduced them to be their free labor, consorts, editors and sex kittens in their personal projects and lives, or in the case of Bikram Choudhury, just attacked and raped the ones he thought were hot. Also, my son and our whole family was affected by a child, at three, who was being abused sexually by his father and acted out the abuse with my son and other children. Yes, this kind of shit happens every day. These predatory people do these things to children and get off on it, and they mostly get off scott-free. They feel they are the victims when they are exposed, or they silence people they have victimized who dare to come forward in heinous and heartbreaking ways in order to avoid admitting guilt and facing consequences. Period.

My life experiences have exposed that incest and sexual abuse, rape, manipulation and torture of children is incredibly common. Sexually abusing small children, or…



Sarah Willis

I like to write about Yoga, culture, food and tell true stories. In real life I am a mom, teach Yoga, design fine jewelry, I use bad words.